Self-Fitting and Active Compression Garments
Superelastic Non-pneumatic Tire
Goal: To design and build a NiTi tire for use on Martian rovers, with improved characteristics over existing rover tires.
Motivation: Previous rover tires sustained significant damage when driving over adverse terrain leading to decreased rover life and decreased rover speeds due to safer pathing.
Research focus: Designing and optimizing a superelastic NiTi knitted profile for the surface of the tire.
Test method: Various patterns will be tested on an individual fabric level. Once a single pattern is chosen and optimized, a full tire will be built and installed on an ATV, then tested on various terrains.
Results of research: Improvements on superelastic NiTi textile manufacturing, improved understanding of superelastic NiTi textiles, and proof of concept for next generation rover tires.
Hybrid Soft Actuators
Project objective: Development of thermally driven soft actuators (soft-bodied programmable motion with mechanical compliance) by exploiting the properties of auxetics (negative Poisson's ratio) with active materials in a single system
Applications: Artificial muscles, wearable technologies, medical devices, soft grippers etc.
Inverse Design of Programmable Textiles
NiTi Microfiber Yarns and Fabrics
Multiscale Mechanics of Multifunctional Textiles
Memory Polymers
Project Objectives:
- Characterize memory polymer filaments, yarns, and textiles
- Evaluate the lifetime performance of memory polymer yarns and textiles
- Determine actuation strategies for wearable applications
Motivation: To leverage the unique material behavior of programmable polymers by manufacturing yarns and textiles of these materials for wearable or in-vivo applications.